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My Experience and
Class Descriptions

I am available to speak at writer's conferences, libraries, schools, writer's groups or at any other event for writers. If you are interested in having me at your next conference or event, contact me.


With over 20 years experience in the publishing industry, a background in teaching and currently an instructor at Stanford, I have the knowledge and experience to speak on a variety of topics. The workshops listed here are ones I have presented at conferences or taught as classes. They can be personalized to meet your specific needs. If there is a subject that interests you but is not listed, contact me and we can discuss it more. 

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Presentation Categories
Sample Zoom Videos with Kerrie Instructing

Broadleaf Writers Association
Build Your Author Platform


Indie Author Project

18 Steps to Successful Self Publishing


Magazine & Freelancing
Magazie and Freelancing
Magazine Writing Made Simple

Objective: Participants will understand the basic process of writing for magazines and how to increase their chances of getting published.

Length: 1 hour

Category: Magazines & Freelancing

Level: Beginner-Intermediate

Workshop Format: Presentation

Currently there are over 7,000 magazines in the U.S. and they all need content. This class taught by accomplished freelance writer and author of Writer’s Digest Guide to Magazine Article Writing, Kerrie Flanagan, will demystify the idea that writing for magazines is difficult and only attainable for a select group. With the right tools, knowledge and understanding of how the magazine world works, having articles published and getting paid for them, is definitely possible. Through a presentation and Q&A, participants will learn the steps needed to become successful magazine writers and at the end of this class, will leave ready to pitch ideas.

How to Write and Sell Magazine Articles

Objective: Participants will understand all the components of writing for magazines and will have all the necessary tools to begin the process of submitting queries.

Length: 4-6 hours

Category: Magazines & Freelancing

Level: All Levels

Workshop Format: Presentation and writing activities

Through lecture, discussions and activities, this class will show writers that with the right tools, knowledge and understanding of how the magazine world works, having articles published and being paid for them, is definitely possible. Over the course of this workshop participants will learn how to study a magazine, understand submission guidelines, learn the different types of articles, understand submission etiquette, learn how to write a query letter and learn how to get assignments. Participants will leave knowing what it takes to become successful magazine writers.

It's All About You; Writing and Selling Personal Essays

Objective: Participants will understand the components of an effective personal essay and how and where to submit them.

Length: 1-2 hours

Category: Creative Nonfiction, magazines & freelance

Level: All Levels

Workshop Format: Presentation for shorter workshop and Presentation/activities for longer workshop

Personal stories give us a way to connect with others and reflect on our own lives. Based on the continued success of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, this is a genre people enjoy reading. We all have stories and writing personal essays is the perfect way to share those experiences with others. During this workshop, participants will learn the components of an effective personal essay, look at examples, and learn where and how to submit essays for publication.


Business of Writig
The Business of Writing
Building Your Author Platform with Magazine Articles

Objective: Participants will understand the importance of using magazine articles to build an author  platform and understand how to begin the process.

Length: 1-1.5 hours

Category: Business of writing, Promotion

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Workshop Format: Presentation and activities

Whether you’re writing novels or trying to position yourself as an expert for your nonfiction books, magazine articles are a great way to reach a larger audience and build your platform. This presentation will cover the basics of magazine writing including coming up with ideas, finding your target market, writing an effective query and getting more assignments. In addition, it will cover the reasons why writing for magazines is an important and effective marketing tool that many authors do not take advantage of.


I Want to Self-Publish, Now What? 18 Steps to Self-Publishing

Objective: To give participants an overview of the self-publishing process with print on demand and ebooks so they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to pursue this path.

Length: 1-2 hours

Category: Business of writing

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Workshop Format: Presentation

For nearly a decade, Kerrie Flanagan has immersed herself into the world of Self-Publishing by publishing 17of her own books and helping dozens of other authors through the entire process. Through her experiences, she came up with necessary steps to not only publish a great book, but steps to also create a successful self-publishing career. In this workshop she will cover each of these 18 steps and provide you with the information you need to begin creating, publishing and market a high-quality book that will rise above the millions of self-published titles already out there.

The Scoop on Audiobooks

Objective: To give participants an overview of the audiobook industry so they can decide if this is an area they want to pursue with their traditional or self-published books. 
Length: 1 hour
Category: Business of Writing
Level: All
Workshp Format: Presentation
Audiobooks are the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry. With smart phones, speakers like Alexa and bluetooth technology, people are listening to more audio content while cooking, driving, exercising or sitting on the sofa. Now is the perfect time for authors to venture into the world of audiobooks, but there are important things to understand before taking that step. In this workshop, I will cover the listening and buying habits of audiobook consumers, the variety of options for publishing an audiobook and the components that go into a successful audiobook.


Ghostwriting, There’s Nothing Scary About it

Objective: Participants will learn about Ghostwriting and the basics of what it takes to become a ghostwriter
Length: 1 hour
Category: Business of Writing
Level: Intermediate-advanced
Worshop format: Presentation
Ghostwriting tends to be an elusive concept for many writers. There is a mystery surrounding what it is and how it works. This workshop will explore these ideas as well as discuss: why people become ghostwriters; how to get started; what does it really entail; what kind of jobs are available; and where do you find them. I will share my own experiences and tips on what worked and didn't work for me. You will leave with enough understanding of ghostwriting to decide if it is an area of writing you want to pursue in the future.


Using Speaking and Teaching to Sell Your Books

Objective: Participants will understand the different options available to them regarding speaking and teaching as a way to build their platform and sell their books.
Length: 1 hour
Category: Business of Writing
Level: All
Workshop Format: Presentation

Publishing a book is a great accomplishment. Now, it’s time to get it into the hands of readers. Teaching and speaking are effective avenues to promote your book. Flanagan, drawing from 25 years of teaching experience, will provide you with useful tools on how to effectively prepare and organize workshops and speeches tailored to your audience, in addition to showing you where to find speaking and teaching opportunities. By using the techniques learned in this workshop you will be ready to share your knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration to potential readers. Whether it is a for a group of 10 people at a book club or 200 people at a conference, maybe it’s time to step out of your comfort zone, give speaking and teaching a try and see the positive impact it has on your writing career and your book sales.


How to Write and Publish a Nonfiction Book

Objective: Participants will understand the process of writing, organizing and selling a nonfiction book
Length: 1 hour
Category: Business of Writing
Level: All
Workshop Format: Presentation

Do you have a wealth of knowledge, experience or curiosity about a topic and want to share that with others? Why not put all that information into a book. Nonfiction continues to be one of the top selling genres. During the session, Kerrie Flanagan will show you how to refine your idea, define your audience, organize your information, create an effective outline, learn about publishing options, and learn the components of an effective book proposal. Following this session you will have an overview of how to successfully write and publish a nonfiction book.

The Writing Life
The Writing Life
Tapping Into Creativity for Writers

Objective: Participants will understand the science behind the creative process and how to harness that creativity to apply it to their writing life.

Length: 1-1.5 hours

Category: All writers

Levels: All Levels

Workshop Format: Presentation

What exactly is creativity and how can it be tapped into to make the writing process easier and our writing more appealing to readers? How can writers get into the “flow” state faster regardless of environment? By exploring these questions,  examining the science behind creativity, and using the practical tools shared, you will have a better understanding of the creative process and how to tap into it during your writing time. It doesn’t matter if you are writing poetry, fiction or nonfiction, knowing how to tap into your creativity will make you a more productive and well-balanced writer.


8 Components of Successful Writing

Objective: Participants will understand various ways to organize their writing life and become more productive writers.

Length: 1-1.5 hours

Category: Writing life

Levels: Beginner-Intermediate

Workshop Format: Presentation

Talented writers are born, successful writers are created. In the writing world, talent will only take you so far. Behind every successful writer are work habits and organization skills that provide the foundation for success. This workshop will explore 8 key components, that when applied, will make you a more productive and efficient writer, enabling you to stay in the game and find the writing success you are seeking.


The Craft of Writng
The Craft of Writing
10 Surefire Ways to Strengthen your Writing

Objective: Participants will learn and understand techniques they can implement into their writing to strengthen it.

Length: 1-2 hours

Category: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction and nonfiction

Levels: This can be adapted toward various levels of writers

Workshop Format: Presentation and writing activities

Strong writing packs a punch and has a better chance of resonating with readers (along with agents and editors). It creates vivid imagery, an engaging story, and intriguing characters. In this workshop you will learn 10 specific techniques to strengthen your writing that you can begin implementing into your work right away. By understanding what makes strong writing you will increase the likelihood of getting published and provide readers a satisfying book experience.


Writing Effective Dialogue

Objective: Participants will understand different ways to approach dialogue for different purposes.

Length: 1-2 hours

Category: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction and nonfiction

Levels: This can be adapted toward various levels of writers

Workshop Format: Presentation and writing activities

Dialogue is more than just people talking. It is a powerful tool to develop characters, show emotion, show setting and move the plot along. By dissecting examples of good dialogue and participating in a variety of creative writing exercises, participants will have a better understanding of the different purposes for dialogue and how to implement those into their own writing.


Bringing Characters to Life

Objective: Participants will learn techniques to add depth to their characters.

Length: 1-2 hours

Category: Fiction and Creative nonfiction

Levels: This one can be adapted toward various levels of writers

Workshop Format: Presentation for shorter workshop and Presentation/activities for longer workshop

Intriguing characters are the backbone of any good story. By examining motives, fears, desires, upbringing and other traits, you add depth to your characters, bringing them to life for your reader and making each personality unique. This workshop explores how successful authors do this in their writing. Then participants will learn and practice effective techniques such as, point of view descriptions and dialogue and begin to apply those to your own writing.

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