I am the author of The Writer's Digest Guide to Magazine Article Writing and the creator of the Magazine Writing Blueprint. In addition,
I have published 20 other books, including three series’ with co-author Chuck Harrelson, under the pen names C.G. Harris and C.K. Wiles. Our book, The Nine won the 2021 Colorado Indie Project award for best adult fiction and was a finalist in the Book Blogger Novel of the Year contest.

Writing Books
"I just want to say "thank you" for writing the, "Writer's Digest Guide to Magazine Article Writing." That book has been like a breath of fresh air to me. My biggest problem as a writer was I had no idea where to get started AND worse, I'm the kind of person who likes their hand held when embarking on a new adventure. There was no one around who could do that for me until your book. The book was easy to read and the first book in a long time I couldn't put down. Finally, I had my hand held. For the first time in my writing life, I believe I can actually make this happen. And so, I am off.... not to see the wizard, but to start my new adventure, all thanks to you!"
~Teresa S.